Dxo photolab 2 book
Dxo photolab 2 book

dxo photolab 2 book

Again, I used the test image of an Ibis (tak­en with my EOS R5 and ISO 12,800) used in my com­par­i­son arti­cle of Deep­PRIME with Topaz Denoise AI. DxO states that the Deep­PRIME algo­rithm has become faster on PCs. I now want­ed to see which advan­tages are offered by ver­sion 5 to me. For the ELITE Edi­tion - and only this one includes the Deep­PRIME algo­rithm - you have to pay 219,-€ (cur­rent­ly there is an intro­duc­to­ry dis­count of 30%*). This allows you to test all the func­tions exten­sive­ly and get a good idea of the program’s capa­bil­i­ties before you spend a rel­a­tive­ly large amount of mon­ey on it.

dxo photolab 2 book

I find it very praise­wor­thy that DxO allows this long tri­al peri­od.

dxo photolab 2 book

This can be used for 31 days with­out any restric­tions. So, I down­loaded the tri­al ver­sion of Pho­to­Lab 5* first. It also sharp­ens the image too much for my taste and the inte­gra­tion into my usu­al work­flow with Light­room is not opti­mal either. Though you could also use the slimmed-down ver­sion DxO Pur­eRAW for this pur­pose, which I test­ed here, Pur­eRAW offers only a few set­ting options. Although many func­tions for RAW pro­cess­ing have been added and exist­ing ones improved, this is not rel­e­vant for me, since I only use the Deep­PRIME algo­rithm in Pho­to­Lab. Now DxO Pho­to­Lab has been updat­ed to ver­sion num­ber 5. With my Canon EOS R5, I now have no wor­ries about using ISO val­ues up to 12,800 when necessary. Since then, I’ve been using DxO Deep­PRIME reg­u­lar­ly and hap­pi­ly. A detailed report on my results can be found here. I down­loaded the tri­al ver­sion out of curios­i­ty and was so thrilled with the results that I bought DxO Pho­to­Lab 4 just for denois­ing my high-ISO shots. In ver­sion 4 of Pho­to­Lab, DxO intro­duced Deep­PRIME*, an arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence-based method for reduc­ing noise in pho­tos. Since Ver­sion 1 of Light­room, I have also orga­nized and key­word­ed all my images there. I con­tin­ue to do all fur­ther pro­cess­ing and all pro­cess­ing of all images that do not require this elab­o­rate denois­ing in Adobe Light­room. More details can be found in my updat­ed review.Īs I wrote in my pre­vi­ous arti­cle on DxO Pho­to­Lab 5, I’ve been using DxO Pho­to­Lab since ver­sion 4 to denoise my high-ISO shots using the awe­some Deep­PRIME process imple­ment­ed there, and exclu­sive­ly for that pur­pose.

dxo photolab 2 book

In ver­sion 6, DxO has improved denois­ing even fur­ther and intro­duced the even more refined AI-based Deep­PRIME XP algo­rithm. The results when denois­ing with Deep­PRIME are prac­ti­cal­ly iden­ti­cal in all ver­sions, so every­thing pre­sent­ed here con­tin­ues to apply to it. This arti­cle still refers to the pre­vi­ous ver­sion 5. In the mean­time, DxO has released ver­sion 6 of its RAW con­vert­er DxO Pho­to­Lab*.

Dxo photolab 2 book